torstai 18. helmikuuta 2021

ArtGrupa ATC February


Helmikuun haasteessa tehdään Boho-teemaisia ATC-kortteja. En ole koskaan tehnyt mitään bohoa ja piti ihan guuglata, mitä se tarkalleen tarkoittaa. Lopputuloksena syntyi kuitenkin itseni näköiset kortit. Ja pääsin samalla testaamaan uutta leimaa. :)

In the February challenge we make Boho ATC cards. I’ve never done any Boho themed crafts and I had to google to make sure I understand the theme. But in the end I made cards that looked like me. And I got to test my new stamp. :)

Haasteeseen pääset klikkaamalla yllä olevaa kuvaa.

You can find the challenge by clicking the picture above.

Tervetuloa mukaan haasteeseen ja vaihtamaan ATC-kortteja kansainvälisesti!

Welcome to join the challenge and swap ATC cards with us!

perjantai 12. helmikuuta 2021

Tutorial: Mini accordion art journal

Näytän tässä ohjeessa, miten tein ATC-kokoisen haitarikirjan yhdestä paperista eli mitään liimaamista ei tarvitse tehdä!

In these instructions, I will show you how I made an ATC-sized accordion book from one piece of paper - no glue required!

Tarvitset vain / All you need is
  • (iso) paperi / (big) paper
  • kynä / pen(cil)
  • viivotin / ruler
  • mattoveitsi tai sakset / paper knife or scissors

Aloitin oman haitarikirjani A3 mixed media -paperilla. Se voi olla myös isompi tai pienempi ja jotain muutakin paperia. Tässä vaiheessa voi tarkistaa, mihin suuntaan paperin kuidut menevät ja miten päin paperi taittuu paremmin. Nämä taitokset ovat siistimpiä ja kestävämpiä.

I started my own accordion book with A3 mixed media paper. It can also be a bigger or smaller piece of paper or some other type of paper. At this point, you can check in which direction the paper fibers are going and which direction the paper folds best. These folds are more neat and durable.

Taita paperi keskeltä. 

Fold the paper in half.

Taita sivu keskelle. Toista toiselle puolelle, jolloin saat haitarin, kun avaat paperin uudestaan. 

Fold the paper towards the middle. Repeat on the other side to get an accordion when you open the paper again.

Tein tästä ATC-kokoisen haitarikirjan, jolloin kirjan sivu on 8,9 cm korkea. Piirrä kaksi viivaa, jotka jakavat paperin kolmeen osaan.

I made an ATC-sized accordion book, which means the page of the book is 8.9 cm of height. Draw two lines that divide the paper into three parts.

Leikkaa (esim. mattoveitsellä ja viivoittimella) viivaa pitkin, mutta jätä viimeinen osa leikkaamatta! Jätä toisen viivan kohdalla vastakkainen sivu leikkaamatta.

Cut (f.ex. with a paper knife and ruler) along the line, but leave the last part uncut! For the second line, leave the opposite side uncut.

Taita alarivi keskiriviä kohti, siitä, mistä ei leikattu. Toista toiselle puolelle.

Fold the bottom row towards the middle row, where was not cut. Repeat on the other side.

ATC-kortin kokoinen haitarikirja on valmis!

The ATC sized accordion journal is ready!

Toivottavasti tästä ohjeesta oli sinulle hyötyä ja innostuit tekemään oman pienen haitarikirjan!

I hope these instructions are useful for you and you got inspired to make your own mini journal!

keskiviikko 10. helmikuuta 2021

ArtGrupa PCJ January


Tänä vuonna ArtGrupa-blogissa alkoi uusi haaste: postikorttikirja (post card journal, PCJ)! Siinä tehdään isoja kortteja, jotka yhdistetään rinkulalla kirjaksi. Kortteja voi myös vaihtaa, jos haluaa. Itse ajattelin kirjoittaa nämä kortit itselleni, jolloin tämä toimii samalla jonkinlaisena päiväkirjana, johon tulee kerran kuussa lisää merkintöjä.

This year a new challenge started on the ArtGrupa blog: a post card journal! A post card journal (PCJ) consists of big cards that are combined with a ring into a journal. These cards can also be exchanged if desired, but I'm planning to write these postcards for myself. It will serve as some kind of diary that gets more entries every month with a new card. 

Haasteeseen pääset klikkaamalla yllä olevaa kuvaa.

You can find the challenge by clicking the picture above.

Tämä kortti oli isompi kuin odotin (10,5 cm x 21 cm). Mutta nyt siihen mahtui enemmän tekstiä ja siten enemmän tarinaa!

This card was bigger than I expected (10,5 cm x 21 cm). But now there was more space for the text and therefore the story!

Ensimmäisessa haasteessa teemana oli käyttää vanhaa teepussia (tai muuta vastaavaa). Minulla vanha teepussi löytyy taustasta revittyjen kirjan sivujen lisäksi.

In the first challenge we are using old teabags (or similar). My used teabag is in the background with some ripped book pages.

Tervetuloa mukaan haasteeseen!

Welcome to join the challenge!

maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2021

OKTK DT #71: Haitariyllätyskortti / Accordion surprise card


Helmikuussa OKTK-korttihaasteessa tehtiin ATC-kortteja haitariyllätyksellä. Kortissa on liikkuva taitettu osa, joka paljastaa yllätyksen, joka muuttaa kortin tarinaa. Omissa korteissa on yllätyksenä naisen ajatukset ja sammakon lounas. Yllätys voi olla myös kurkistus laatikon tai taskun sisälle, teksti, jossa tarina tai idea muuttuu, kun sanoja tulee lisää - vai saako joku hahmo useita silmiä lisää? Tässä voi antaa oman mielikuvituksen lentää täysin vapaasti!

In February in the OKTK card challenge, we made ATC cards with an accordion surprise. The card has a moving folded part that reveals a surprise that changes the card’s story. In my cards the surprises are the thoughts of a woman and a frog’s lunch. The surprise can also be a peak inside a box or pocket, a text where the story or idea changes as more words are added - or does a figure get multiple extra eyes? You can really let your imagination fly free!

Enemmän tietoa ja uusin haaste löytyy OKTK:n blogista klikkaamalla yllä olevaa kuvaa.

More info of the challenge can be found in the OKTK blog by clicking the picture above (in Finnish only).

Ensimmäinen korttini / My first card

Toinen korttini / My second card

Käytin korteissani taustassa Gelli-levyllä tehtyjä printtejäni. Taitoin paperin satunnaisesta kohdasta ennen kuin liimasin sen korttiin. Naiskortissa on helppo suora taitos. Sammakkokortissa taitos on vino ja osuu kortin keskelle. Siksi liimasin taitoksen taakse samaa paperia, jotta kortin pohja ei näy (käytän kierrätysmateriaalia korttieni pohjana). Etsin sammakkokortissa sopivaa kohtaa valon ja varjon avulla. Käytin molemmissa korteissa lehdestä tai kirjasta leikattuja kuvia ja kirjasta leikattuja lauseita. Tarkemmat ohjeet, miten tein korttini, löytyvät OKTK-blogista (täältä). 

I used prints I made with my Gelli plate for the background on the cards. I folded the paper randomly before gluing it on the card. The women card has an easy straight fold. On a frog card, the fold is slightly diagonal and is more on the center of the card. Therefore, I glued some of the same paper behind the fold so that the back of the card template would not be visible (I use recycled cardboard for my cards). I was searching for a good position for the frog card with the help of light and shadow. On both cards, I used pictures cut from a magazine or book and sentences cut from a book. More detailed instructions on how I made these cards can be found in the OKTK blog (here). The instructions are in Finnish, but pictures tell more than words, right? 

Tervetuloa mukaan haasteeseen ja vaihtamaan ATC-kortteja meidän kanssamme! 

Welcome to join the challenge and swap cards with us! Or just use this as an inspiration for yourself. :)

maanantai 1. helmikuuta 2021

Tutorial: Mini art journal (in English)


Nämä ohjeet löytyvät suomeksi täältä.

I made myself another mini art journal that is the size of an ATC because the first journal (this one) is filled up already. This small size is currently my favorite. You can make a nice mini page in just 15 minutes and even this short moment of art therapy will help. I originally made a book this size because I find the ATC size very inspiring, and I don't always want to make a card that I would exchange when I already have several cards in stock. And sometimes I just want to keep something, too.

I have been asked several times how I made my own journals and decided to make these instructions. I learned the traditional bookbinding in a course, but the pages in it are too close for my own art journaling. That’s why I made this “looser” binding. I love making my own books and every now and then I try new techniques. I have done many of my books as shown here, also the bigger ones. With the bigger ones I often use old book covers. I like old book covers and as a bonus I get the art journal completed much faster. The cover can be further decorated afterwards if desired.

This is how I make my journals. I find this is quite a simple way to make and art journal. I try to measure as little as possible and I don't take it too seriously if something isn't quite right. 

There are as many other ways as there are makers. I hope you find your own technique.

  • papers (for the journal pages)
  • paper cutter or similar
  • bone folder or similar
  • ruler
  • pen(cil)
  • thick cardboard (for the cover)
  • thinner cardboard (for the book spine)
  • strong kraft paper (for the cover)
  • paper knife or similar
  • book binding glue or similar
  • paint brush for glueing
  • scissors
  • paper or fabric for the cover
  • bookbinding awl or similar
  • cutting board
  • (clips)
  • bookbinding yarn or similar
  • needle

Step 1: Pages

Start by collecting the right amount of paper for you. In this book, I used wallpaper, an old office folder, and a photo album page. I choose pages that are a bit thicker than the normal copy paper, but not quite the 200 g of watercolor paper. Use whatever you prefer - it's your book.

I use mainly recycled paper as pages because
- it's almost always free
- and therefore there is no pressure to use it for my own art
- the paper already has a history of its own (whether it has been found in the professor's old office, in the pile on the floor of an abandoned room after the office moved, from the recycling center ...)

Step 2 

Cut pieces of paper of suitable size f. ex. with a paper cutter. For this ATC book, I cut 8.9 * 12.8 cm pieces. The papers inside the journal don’t have to be the same size and can be very inspiring to use different sized pages (as I sometimes do, here).

Step 3

Fold the papers in half. I used a bone folder, but you can also use a knife or similar.

Step 4

Divide the pages into signatures. I have three signatures (booklets) and each has four folded papers.

Step 5

Cut and fold one extra sheet of paper for helping in making holes. I often use an old magazine for this.

Step 6

Mark the locations for the holes on the extra paper. This can be done either by measuring with a ruler or by folding. I fold the extra paper first into half. For such a small book, three holes for each signature is enough. I folded the outer edges a little inward (about 1 to 1.5 cm from the edge).

Step 7

Open the paper and mark the locations for the holes.

Step 8: Cover

Cut two pieces of 6.4 * 9.5 cm from thick cardboard. I cut my own from 2 mm cardboard with a ruler and a carpet knife / paper knife.

Step 9

Cut a piece of 1.4 * approx. 11 cm piece from thinner cardboard (eg. cereal package cardboard). This is the back of the book and will be shortened later.

Step 10

Cut a piece of strong kraft paper about 6 * 11 cm in size (this will be adjusted in the end). Some other paper is also suitable for this, as long as it does not tear easily. Now you have two thick pieces for the cover, one thin piece for the back of the book, and a piece of kraft paper.

Step 11

Glue the thin piece cut in the previous step to the kraft paper with bookbinding glue. You can also use eg. a more liquid gel medium.

Step 12

Next, the book covers are glued. First, turn the kraft paper around so that the cardboard piece is below. Measure and mark a line 5 mm away from the cardboard piece. Do this on both sides. Put glue until the line and attach the book cover. Turn this over and make sure (for example, with a bone folder) that the paper is firmly attached to the cover without wrinkles. Glue the other side the same way. You can use a ruler (picture below) to help to get the cover to the right position.

Step 13

Now your cover is almost done. The outer side looks like this.

And the inside like this.

Step 14

Cut a piece of fabric or paper that is much larger than the cover that you want to use for the book cover. The paper should not be too thick so it will fold well over the edges and not too thin so it won't tear when gluing. Fabric works well, I used fabric on my previous book. Now I used a piece of wallpaper. Apply glue to the cover (make sure you have the cover facing the right way) and attach your paper/fabric. Make sure that the cover paper is glued nicely. Again, you can use the bone folder. Make sure to press the paper properly on the back of the book.

Step 15

Once the outside of the book is glued, cut off the extra paper (about 1.5 cm is enough for the overhang) and a piece from each edge. Do not cut too close to the corner of the cardboard, but consider the thickness of the cardboard.

Step 16

Glue the paper on the inside of the cover. Again, use the bone folder to make sure the paper is properly attached. 

Step 17

You can cover the cardboard on the inside with a nice paper. Cut the paper to a suitable size. The height is the same as the pages (8.9 cm) and the width should be about 3 cm to cover enough.

Step 18

Cut two pieces of paper of the size 6,4 * 8,9 cm from another nice paper (or in my case here, wallpaper).

Step 19

Decide which way you want the paper and the inner cover papers. I wanted to keep the torn edges visible.

Step 20

Now you have your cover and the signatures as well as the extra paper.

Step 21

I have four papers in one signature. At this point, check that the order of the papers is to your liking. Now it can still be changed.

Step 22: Binding the book

Use the extra paper to help making holes on the cover. If you want, you can mark the locations of the holes first before making the holes with a bookbinding awl. You can also use another type of punch or sharp tool (eg. nails and a hammer). I have a some fabric as a cushion and a cutting board underneath. Make three rows of holes: one row for each signature.

Step 23

Next, the signatures get holes. Again, use the extra paper for this. Attach it to the signature with clips, if you want, so that it does not move while making the holes.  The four-page signature can be pierced at once with the awl. Thicker ones should be separated first.

Step 24

Next, the signatures are bound to the cover. I use bookbinding thread and a larger needle. Another type of thread (eg. embroidery thread) is also suitable for this, as long as it does not rip easily.

Step 25

This is how I bind my books (there are several ways to bind a book). This way, the knot is inside. Be sure to leave the thread long enough to make the knot in the end. You can keep the clips on the signature during binding, but be sure to remove the extra paper first.

Step 26

Tie a knot inside the signature. It’s good to use a friend's finger to help making the knot tight. Cut the excess thread. Repeat the binding for the other two signatures. 

Step 27

Your book is ready!

Extra step

I (always) make too many papers. Now I made them into a thin one-signature mini art journal. I cut a cover out of a nice paper that is a little bigger than the inside papers and tied it in the same way as the signatures to the cover of the book. This is an even easier way to make an art journal!

I hope these instructions were useful for you. Please feel free to ask if something was unclear. I'll gladly help. Book binding is awesome and addictive! :D